Once a payment has been sent and the payload resolved on Xumm, some checks are performed to ensure secure payment verification. This document walks you through verifying a payment transaction on Xumm.
After a payload completes its lifecycle, which includes creation, user interaction, transaction signing, and transaction submission to the XRP Ledger by Xumm, your application will receive (if configured) a Webhook callback.
This callback should trigger your application to fetch the payload results. It is highly advisable to fetch the payload results again on your "thank you" or "return" page in case you did not persist the payload results after receiving a Webhook.
Verifying Payment Transactions
Here are the steps to verify that you have indeed received a payment:
Check Payload Output: Verify if the Payload output contains meta.resolved. This value should be true. Otherwise, the payload is still pending or has been abandoned by the user. Also, check if the Payload output contains meta.signed. This value should be true, indicating that the user signed the transaction.
Check Response Dispatched Node Type: Verify the response.dispatched_nodetype value. If you are expecting a real payment, this value should contain MAINNET. If it doesn't, you might be accepting a TESTNET payment!
Check Transaction ID: The response.txid value is the on-ledger transaction hash. You must verify this transaction on the ledger. Note that it may take around 4 seconds for a ledger to close and slightly longer for the ledger and transaction info to propagate. You may want to repeat async/delay fetching this info if you don't get a result at first or if your result contains a validated: false value.
⚠️ Check Delivered Amount: After fetching the transaction details, check the meta.delivered_amount value to see if the amount of XRP (in drops, one million drops = one XRP) equals the expected amount to be paid.This is a crucial step in the verification process.
Fetching Transaction Details
You can fetch transaction details using the XRPL Transaction Data fetcher or the JSON RPC (HTTP POST) method at https://xrplcluster.com.
Utilizing (flow+code) the xrpl-txdata Package (JS/TS) for Transaction Verification
After sending a Sign Request (payload) to Xumm, you receive a response with the signed transaction hash (Webhook: payloadResponse.txid, WebSocket: txid).
You're in luck if you immediately check this transaction hash on the XRP Ledger, and it's already in a validated ledger. However, if the transaction hasn't been included in a closed ledger, you might encounter a "Not Found" error, while if you had checked a few seconds later, you'd have found the transaction.
To streamline this process, use the xrpl-txdata NPM package (JS/TS). This package simplifies:
Establishing a redundant (multi-node, failover) and reliable (auto-timeout, auto-retry) connection to the XRP Ledger
Fetching a transaction by hash
Optionally, monitoring the XRP Ledger (all closed ledgers, all the transactions in those ledgers) and waiting for a specified time (seconds).
Once your transaction is found, the package returns the transaction outcome and validated balance changes.
Here's how to use it in JavaScript:
const {TxData} = require('xrpl-txdata')
const TxHash = '8F3CE0481EF31A1BE44AD7D744D286B0F440780CD0056951948F93A803D47F8B'
const VerifyTx = new TxData([
// Or:
// 'wss://testnet.xrpl-labs.com'
], {
OverallTimeoutMs: 6000,
EndpointTimeoutMs: 1500,
// If using testnet, see above:
// AllowNoFullHistory: true
// Specify the transaction hash to verify and the # of seconds
// to wait & monitor the XRPL if not found initially.
VerifyTx.getOne(TxHash, 20)
.then(tx => {
console.log(`Got the TX, details:`, tx)
Good Practice: Cross-verify with the XRPL
It is always a good practice to cross-verify with the XRPL for absolute certainty. Using the tx method, you can fetch transaction details directly from the XRPL ledger.