subscribe( … )
Returning non-void in the callback function passed to the
methodManually calling
on the object returned by theSdk.payload.subscribe()
The subscription will be closed by either:
Status updates can be processed by providing a callback function to the Sdk.payload.subscribe()
method. Alternatively, the (by the Sdk.payload.subscribe()
method) returned raw websocket can be used to listen for WebSocket onmessage
More information about the status update events & sample event data: Status updates
The payload is opened by a XUMM App user (webpage)
The payload is opened by a XUMM App user (in the app)
Payload expiration updates (remaining time in seconds)
The payload was resolved by rejecting
The payload was resolved by accepting (signing)
To subscribe to live payload status updates, the XUMM SDK can setup a WebSocket connection and monitor live status events. Emitted events include:
Payload subscriptions: live updates
If a callback function is not provided, the subscription will stay active until the <PayloadSubscription>.resolve()
method is called manually, eg. based on handling <PayloadSubscription>.websocket.onmessage
When a callback function is provided, for every payload specific event the callback function will be called with <SubscriptionCallbackParams>
The <SubscriptionCallbackParams>.data
property contains parsed JSON containing event information.
Either by calling <SubscriptionCallbackParams>.resolve()
or by returning a non-void value in the callback function the subscription will be ended, and the <PayloadSubscription>.resolved
promise will resolve with the value returned or passed to the <SubscriptionCallbackParams>.resolve()
Resolving (by returning non-void in the callback or calling resolve()
manually) closes the WebSocket client the XUMM SDK sets up 'under the hood'.
The <PayloadSubscription>
object looks like this:
Last updated
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