
A sign request in Xumm is a prompt to approve a transaction or action on the XRP Ledger. This page will show you how you can create a Sign Request, and how you can deliver the request to the end user.

When creating Sign Requests from a backend environment, the Xumm SDK is called with your API Key & Secret. A payload can be opened by any user. A user will not get notified about a payload, unless if they interacted with the payload through a deeplink or scanning the Payload QR code.

If you want to deliver backend created Sign Requests to a user & the user is identified by your application, you have to provide a user_token to the payload. The user_token can be obtained after the user interacted with your application & signed a payload. See: Push

For more information about the object contents to be used for Payloads & the return URL replacement variables, see:

import { Xumm } from "xumm"

const xumm = new Xumm("some-api-key", "some-secret-key")

const payload = await xumm.payload?.create({
  user_token: "xxxxxxxxxx",
  txjson: {
    TransactionType: "SignIn"
  options: {
    return_url: {
      app: "https://sample.test/?...",
      web: "https://sample.test/?id={id}"
    force_network: "MAINNET"
  custom_meta: {
    identifier: "123123",
    instruction: "Please sign this to..."

To decide where the user is sent after signing the payload, please read: Payload Return URL

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